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How To Stay Healthy Over The Holidays

Writer's picture: Fitness AliFitness Ali

Updated: Nov 28, 2024

The holiday season is here!

Tis' the season of cookies, cakes and pies, oh my!

Eating too much doesn't feel great and it affects our health. As we get older our lifestyle starts to catch up with us.

It's a good time to think about what we want this holiday season and how we want to feel. (Before we gain a few pounds and regret it).

The key is to make a conscious decision.

A goal properly set is halfway reached. ~Zig Ziglar

Tis' the season of indulging.

For me, part of a good life is eating delicious food.

The key to enjoying it is to feel good.

That means eating with some moderation and balance.

It is possible to enjoy yourself and indulge without gaining weight and feeling bad.

I used to gain a few pounds over the holidays. As I’ve gotten older I have found it difficult to get those extra pounds off. Year after year the scale creeps up. Losing five pounds feels manageable but I imagine losing twenty or thirty pounds would feel daunting, so it’s important to nip it in the bud.

If you're with me, here's what I recommend:

First, decide what you want.

If you decide you don't want to gain weight and you want to feel good over the holidays then...


Think about how it feels to overeat:

  • the bloating

  • clothes tight and uncomfortable

  • the break-outs

  • frustration & disappointment

  • the effort it will take to get the extra weight off

Then decide, I don't want to:

  • gain weight

  • feel bloated and over-stuffed

  • put crap in my body

  • feel disappointed with myself


I want to feel good and enjoy, guilt-free, delicious food!

Prepare by:

  • portion control

  • extra workouts

  • no junk food or treats

  • drink 8 – 12 glasses of water a everyday

  • lots of vegetables, lean meats, salads & fruit

  • limit or cut fat: butter, creamy dressings, anything deep fried

  • eating sensibly the days/week/month leading up to the event or season

  • limit starchy bloating foods like: rice, potatoes, muffins, bread, crackers

So you go into it feeling like you've lost a few pounds, clothes feeling looser.

I’m not a big fan of the weigh scale, however, it can be helpful to gauge where you’re at. Use it as a tool, not a weapon.


Is It Worth It?

  • Is it actually more enjoyable when I eat more?

  • Are those delectable treats actually delectable?

  • Do I really need to eat three plates full to enjoy myself?

  • At the end of Christmas dinner, do I want to be bloated and overstuffed?

  • Am I eating it out of boredom, something to do, unconsciousness, obligation?

  • Is stuffing my face for the month of December worth the extra pounds at the end?

Is It Crap?

  • Is it made with crap (artificial flavours and hydrogenated oil) or natural ingredients?

  • If you can’t pronounce the ingredients or don’t know what they mean, then it’s crap.

  • Consider how you will feel after you eat it. Crap makes you feel like crap.

Be picky! Be choosy! Don’t eat crap! Trust me it’s not worth it.

Just eat food you love and enjoy!


This is a big one. Once you’ve decided on what you want, embrace it. What you think and say to yourself after that is everything.

If you start to lament that you’re on a “diet”, that you can’t eat this or that, that you wish you could but you don’t want to gain weight, then you’re hooped, it’ll be difficult to stick to your plan.

Focus on what you’re having instead of what you’re not having.

With the right attitude you won’t miss a thing and enjoy what you have.

Don't make food the focus! Focus on all the other good stuff the holidays have to offer.

(PS. Think about your holiday baking, who's going to eat it all?).



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